<strong>5. Hotel Assets, Guests & Luggage Tracking</strong>

5. Hotel Assets, Guests & Luggage Tracking

Hotel Asset Tracking Solution

Increased Visibility of Hotel Assets:
Identify Hotel assets that are misplaced or stolen
Identify any unauthorized or inappropriate use of assets
Identify current location of Hotel Assets and availability, thereby ensuring maximum availability of Hotel Assets

Reduced Risk:
Reduce the likelihood of unscheduled unavailability and the risks that pose to Hotel Operations

Alert & Notification System:
Real-time alerts so one can act – dealing quickly with incidents as they occur based on dynamic rules engine
Guests checked bags are attached with Telebeacon® tags and can be tracked in Real-time

Automatic Job Assignment:
Real-Time Tracking of Hotel Employees & Automatic Job Assignment based on their location

Proximity Control:
Automatic Proximity Control of HVAC, Lighting & Access Control System based on the location of an asset/person

Indoor Analytics:
Energy Usage, Asset Usage, Occupancy Levels & Heat maps

Hotel Asset Tracking

Alert & Notification System:

Real-Time Tracking of Hotel Employees & Automatic Job Assignment

Automatic Proximity Control of HVAC, Lighting & Access Control System based on the location of an asset/person within Hotel premise

Hotel Analytics: Energy Usage, Asset Usage, Occupancy Levels & Heat maps